ARIS Upgrade and Virtual training for NRSA in Tajikistan

March 12th, 2021 — 

During the week February 8, 2021, the NRC's Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) met virtually with the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (NRSA) to upgrade its ARIS source registration and management software from ARIS v1.5 to ARIS v2.5. In addition to installing the latest software, the RSRP assisted in the transfer of NRSA's existing ARIS information to the new system and demonstrated the new software features, highlighting new user’s rights, reporting systems, a backup and restore system, an updated reporting system and several enhancements in the RASOD, AUTHORIZATION and LICENSING modules. Three days of associated ARIS training was also provided to NRSA staff. The RSRP will continue to maintain close communication with NRSA staff to address any further questions and needs related to its ARIS upgrade.