RSRP supports the development and updates to laws and regulations on safe use of nuclear energy and radiation protection. The work is performed by the RSRP partner country regulatory authority and/or their technical support organization with RSRP expertise provided by US and European experts. The draft versions of the Laws are then approved by the stakeholder in-country government agencies and submitted to approval to the legislature. Regulation, guidance and procedures are reviewed by in-country government agencies and are issued by the principle regulatory bodies with responsibility for regulating radiation protection. Numerous laws, regulations, and guides supported by RSRP were developed and implemented:
RSRP sample products:
- New or amended Laws on radiation protection in Tajikistan , Moldova , Uzbekistan and Georgia
- Basic Safety Standards in Georgia
- Government decrees regarding ratification of several IAEA conventions and agreements in Moldova
- Modification of Government decree on procedures of legal expertise and state registry of departmental regulatory acts, in Moldova
- Regulation on attestation and accreditation of qualified experts and personnel in nuclear and radiological activities; in Moldova
- Regulations on specific requirements for radiological activities in radio-diagnostics; in Moldova
- Regulation on national registry of radiation sources, in Armenia, Georgia and Tajikistan
- Regulation on physical security of radioactive sources, in Tajikistan Armenia and Georgia
- Regulation on inspections of nuclear and radiation practices, with detailed rules for inspection procedures and check lists for important practices, in Armenia and Georgia
- Regulation on safe management of radioactive waste, in Moldova
- Regulation on categorization of radioactive sources, Uzbekistan
- Regulation on Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans for Nuclear and Radiation Accidents in Georgia
Further Reading
- US NRC Regulations -
- 10 CFR Part 30, "Rules of general applicability to domestic licensing of byproduct material" -