
On February 22-23, 2012, Ms. Ingrid Martinez, head of the CNE, visited the Nuclear Regulatory Commission headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for discussions on how the NRC conducts public outreach. During her visit, Ms. Martinez had a tour of the Public Document Room and a discussion of the tools and resources for the public’s access to NRC’s processes and decisions. She also met with representatives from the Office of Congressional Affairs; had a briefing on event reporting through the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) Notification System to the International Atomic...
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), met with its counterpart Bolivian nuclear regulatory organization, the Instituto Boliviano de Ciencia y Tecnolgia Nuclear (IBTEN) on February 9-10, 2012. The objective of this meeting was to define activities with which the USNRC could assist the Bolivian regulator, activities which IBTEN identified as priorities. A Memorandum of Meeting was developed under which a 2-year project will begin to enhance the Bolivian registry for radiological materials.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), met with its counterpart Colombian nuclear regulatory organization, the Autoridad Nuclear within the Ministry of Mines and Energy, on February 6-7, 2012. The objective of this meeting was to define activities with which the USNRC could assist the Colombian regulator, activities which the Colombian authority identified as priorities. A Memorandum of Meeting was developed at the end of the second day which noted three general areas for joint work: first, to provide review and comment on Colombian safety and security regulations and requirements...
The Dominican Republic Commission on Nuclear Energy (CNE) hosted a four-day workshop with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission focusing on regulatory approaches to physical protection of radioactive sources. The objective of the course was to assist the Dominican Republic participants to better understand the implementation of physical protection regulations for the health, safety and security of individuals, the public and the environment. The state is responsible for promoting a security culture in the uses of radioactive sources, establishing and maintaining the legislative and regulatory...
The CNEA (National Commission of Nuclear Energy of the National University of Asunción (UNA)) with support from RSRP initiated a country-wide project to validate disposition of radiation sources and to develop a National Registry of radiation sources in Paraguay. The project will perform administrative search and confirm source’s disposition through on-site inspections. During the visits the CNEA inspectors will verify facility and source’s data, assign unique regulatory identification numbers and tag the equipment, and take photo records of radiation sources / associated devices. The data...
The ARNR (Uruguay National Regulatory Authority on Radiation Protection) with support from RSRP initiated a country-wide project to validate disposition of radiation sources and x-ray generators (equipment) and to develop a National Registry of radiation sources in Uruguay. The project will perform administrative search and confirm equipment disposition through on-site inspections. During the visits the ARNR inspectors will verify facility and source’s and x-ray generator’s data, assign unique regulatory identification numbers and tag the equipment, and take photo records of equipment. The...
Twenty five students (of 47 applicants) were admitted to take the 2012 post-graduate course in radiation protection. The course is designed to prepare individuals to become Radiation Protection Officers. The 2012 course program covers theoretical and practical knowledge in safety and security of radioactive materials. The course material consisted of 4 modules. The night courses are run 4-5 days per week between 5:30 – 9:15 pm during January – November, 2012. This evening program allows students to maintain employment while attending the course. The program is taught by Dr. Mora and Dr. Gibbs...
During December 12-16, 2011 RSRP provided training of CNEP staff (Comision Nacional de Energia del Paraguay) in radiation source inventory and development of the National Registry of radiation sources, x-ray generators, associated devices and user facilities. The RSRP training team installed RASOD (sources database) and AUTHORIZATION (licensee database) software and provided training. The training included field exercises in inventorying technique and hands-on training on data entry and software usage. Training was provided by Aleksandr Stepanyan of from Armenian Nuclear Regulatory...
From December 1 to 12, 2011, RSRP staff traveled to the African countries of Lesotho, Uganda and Ethiopia to meet with regulatory counterparts to discuss providing assistance to enhance regulatory safety and security oversight of radioactive sources in each of those countries. Topics of discussion included NRC support to develop and maintain a comprehensive national inventory of radioactive sources, the development of a radioactive source licensing and inspection regime, and potential enhancements needed to existing laws and regulations. To date, RSRP’s regulatory counterparts in Uganda...
During December 12-16, 2011 RSRP provided training of ARNR staff (Autoridad Reguladora Nacional en Radioprotección of Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mineral Resources of Uruguay) staff, in radiation source inventory and development of the National Registry of radiation sources, x-ray generators, associated devices and user facilities. The RSRP training team installed RASOD (sources database) and AUTHORIZATION (licensee database) software and provided training. The training included field exercises in inventorying technique and hands-on training on data entry and software usage. Training...